
IPA REGION PŁOŃSK celebrated its Fifth Anniversary

The 5th Anniversary of the IPA Region Płońsk was celebrated in Płońsk onSaturday, 30 November 2013. The previous day, i.e. Friday, the invited to the celebration delegations of the police officers - the IPA members from six European countries (Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Germany and Ukraine) arrived to Płońsk. Members of the Region Płońsk Board welcomed foreign guests in “The HETMAN” Inn in the village of Bońki, where they were accommodated.

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Northern Europe Paris invaded by IPA Płońsk members

Northern Europe Paris invaded by IPA Płońsk membersThe IPA Płońsk Region (branch) organized a family trip to Riga in Latvia. The trip was attended by 50 members and supporters of the Region, the Polish Section Merit members and their families. Organizing the trip we were assisted by the President and Vice President of Latvia Section of the IPA , who had chosen the appropriate accommodation and suggested interesting places to visit

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On Sunday, 18 March 2012, three members of the IPA Płońsk Region Presidium and two members of the Audit Committee went on tour to Pomeranian Teutonic Order castles trail. It was a trip of integration after the formation of a new Presidium and Audit Committee elected during the Meeting on 20th of January 2012.

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