About IPA


IPA is ...

ipa logo

the world’s largest association numbering 322,098 members in 60 countries, and also an independent association embracing all the police forces regardless of the rank, education, sex, race, skin colour, language and religion. The association is politically, economically, religiously, and union neutral. To be a member of IPA means to be obliged to respect Declaration of Human Rights stated in 1948, and Police Declaration adopted as Resolution No. 690 of the Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. Since 1971 IPA is the world’s largest association numbering more than 300,000 members in 60 national sections. IPA has a consultative status with the United Nations (UN) and the Council of Europe. Members of the association may be persons serving in the Police and Border Guard, police pensioners, unless their service or work undertaken conflicts with the statutes.

IPA wants ...

to enhance the cultural knowledge and experience of its members as well as exchange of experience between countries, and within their capabilities to help in the social field and in community with others strive to maintain peaceful coexistence in the world.


IPA gives ...

extensive training program in its International Information and Training Center - Gimborn Castle (Germany), with a financial discount for members of the IPA; local, regional and international professional events on all continents. IPA founds foreign scholarships enhancing and complementing qualifications, organizes the annual international meeting of youth for the sons and daughters of members of the IPA and seminars for young students of the police. Enables the use of inexpensive holiday houses at home and abroad and organizes the exchange of professional experiences, provides help for policemen and their families when they are in a difficult situation.


IPA membership ...

Members of the IPA may be persons serving in the Police and Border Guard, Police pensioners. Membership in the association is voluntary and each member is required to actively participate in the implementation of statutory objectives of IPA. The Association has the following types of membership: ordinary, Honorary, associative and support.

Loss of membership in the following situations:

-          member’s withdrawal;

-          exclusion of a member;

-          member’s death;

-          if the membership fee for that year shall not be paid until June 30.


IPA members have the right to:

-          elect and be elected to the authorities of the Association;

-          participate in the Association activities;

-          submit proposals and suggestions on the activities of the Association.


text source: http://www.ipapolska.pl


translated by: © Krzysztof Kapturski

Copyright 2025 IPA Mazowiecka Grupa Wojewódzka. All Rights Reserved.
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