IPA REGION PŁOŃSK celebrated its Fifth Anniversary


The 5th Anniversary of the IPA Region Płońsk was celebrated in Płońsk onSaturday, 30 November 2013. The previous day, i.e. Friday, the invited to the celebration delegations of the police officers - the IPA members from six European countries (Czech Republic, Lithuania, Latvia, Moldova, Germany and Ukraine) arrived to Płońsk. Members of the Region Płońsk Board welcomed foreign guests in “The HETMAN” Inn in the village of Bońki, where they were accommodated.

The next day, i.e. Saturday, the celebration began with the solemn Holy Mass, celebrated by Fr. Edmund Makowski, Płońsk police chaplain – holding a title of „Merit for IPA Section Polish”. A concert of the Representative Orchestra and Choir of the Warsaw Metropolitan Police added a splendor to the Mass. Among the participants were representatives of the uniformed services and the standard-bearers from military-, police- and fireman- profile classes of the School Complex No. 1 in Płońsk.

The IPA Polish Section standard-bearers were assisted by the knights of Włocław Brotherhood of Crossbow and Sword. There were also knights of the Knights' School in Golub-Dobrzyn. After the Mass an honorary salute of cannon and other medieval weapons was given. The anniversary celebration was held in the auditorium of the School of Music in Płońsk.

Among other guests who responded positively to the invitation were the Secretary-General of the Polish Section of the IPA National Board and its former President - Arkadiusz Skrzypczak with his wife, the President of the IPA Mazovian Provincial Group - Zygmunt Kot, Chairman of the Board of the Mazovian Provincial Police Trade Union - senior staff warrant officer Rafał Kruk, First Deputy Commander of the District Police in Płońsk - Lt. Robert Hodio with his wife, Płońsk Mayor - Andrzej Pietrasik, Płońsk District Administrator (Starost) - Jan Mączewski, Płońsk Commune Administrator - Aleksander Jarosławski, Baboszewo Commune Administrator - Wiesław Przedpełski, a delegation of the allied IPA Region Zawiercie and representatives of many cooperating with the Płońsk Region institutions and businesses.

In his speech, Arkadiusz Skrzypczak said that Płońsk Region of the IPA is one of the most active regions, not only in Mazovian Provincial Group, but also in the whole of the Polish Section. These results were made possible thanks to the persistence, determination and exceptional leadership of its "captain" - the Chairman of the Region Board and the whole of his "crew". Then he handed the Chairman Jarosław Lasecki an impressive commemorative statuette.

Words of praise and congratulations were also expressed by representatives of local government units and other guests. A special applause aroused when the Płońsk Commune Administrator recited his own poem glorifying the activities of the Region and its cooperation with the municipality. Then Arkadiusz Skrzypczak with the participation of Jarosław Lasecki honoured people who were especially deserved in promoting the idea of IPA.

The title of „IPA Region Płońsk Symphatizer 2013” was given to Kanu Akpang, Mariusz Wrzesiński, and Nikodem Krzemiński. The title of „Merit for IPA Section Polish – candidate” was given to Krzysztof Jarosiewicz, Mariusz Leoniak, Jerzy Borowski, Andrzej Machaj, Arkadiusz Sobczyński, Robert Syroka, Ireneusz Szurmak, Marcin Zaborowski, Roman Żelechowski, Igor Gołębiewski, Tomasz Strzałkowski, Dariusz Mondroń, Adam Kuśmierczak, Marek Ferski, and Stanisław Bawolik.

Dariusz Dymowski, Edward Januszewski, Krzysztof Grąbczewski, Sławomir Chlewicki, and Teofil Sokołowski were honoured with the title of „Merit for IPA Section Polish”.

Commemorative medals on the occasion of “ The 5th Anniversary of the IPA Region Płońsk” received: Andrzej Pietrasik, Aleksander Jarosławski, Wiesław Przedpełski, Edmund Makowski, Andrzej Brzeski, Paweł Chyczewski, Arkadiusz Krysiak, Andrzej Liberek, Ireneusz Sokołowski, and Adam Nowakowski.

Acknowledgements for their five-year help and organizational support of the social activities of the Association and for cultivating and promoting the idea of IPA received: Beata Pierścińska, Jan Mączewski, Janusz Bugajewski, Krystyna Dobkowska, Krzysztof Fałdowski, Adam Klimkiewicz, Krzysztof Kuciński, Robert Kuciński, Grzegorz Pawlak, Remigiusz Morawski, Teresa Kudlicka Jadwiga Kalman, Adrian Golacik, Jerzy Saniuk, and Łukasz Kaniak.

Acknowledgements for their angagement in promoting the idea of IPA in Płońsk were also given to four members of the Region: Jan Iwańczyk, Zbigniew Kaniak, Radosław Koniec, and Paweł Wudarczyk.

Between the groups of persons being distinguished, the artists from the Music School performed on the stage. They were: singer Agnieszka Sztabnik-Baran, accordionist Jacek Małachowski, and a vocal and instrumental band. In the evening, in the "HETMAN" Inn in Bońki near Płońsk, an integration dinner combined with the St. Andrew's Day celebration were held. Several attractions were prepared for the guests there, such as the performances of dancers from Płońsk Dance Club "START", the possibility of playing roulette and various competitions. There was a traditional anniversary cake, plenty of culinary excellent dishes and of course great fun late into the night, with music of the "BOLERO" band.

On Sunday, the guests could take advantage of a trip to the nearby Ciechanów, where they could learn how to play golf on the electronic simulator Ekomi Sports Coach Systems owned by Mr. Mirosław Miączyński - Merit for IPA Section Polish. Then they visited the "Ciechan" Brewery guided by the Chairman of its Board – Krzysztof Fałdowski – also „Merit for IPA Section Polish”.

Text and photos Zbigniew Kaniak

Translated by: (C) Krzysztof Kapturski

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