IPA Region Płońsk


Activities of the International Police Association IPA in Płońsk dates from January 1, 2006. Then the Płońsk “branch” of the IPA Region Ciechanów came into existence. It numbered 10 members. After three years of the branch activity there were 23 members yet and also 3 IPA merit-members, a lot of sympathizers and persons who supporting the IPA activity indeed well-deserved the title of merit-members.
During this period, a number of tournaments of futsal and volleyball, three St. Andrew’s Day events, family excursions (including one abroad to Lithuania), and a mushrooming were organized. We curried out some self-defense courses for women, too. We specially emphasized on creating a good co-operation atmosphere, friendship, understanding, with a focus on the activities engaging both IPA-members and their families. This resulted in still increasing number of the Region’s members.
The number of members was a basis for creating in Płońsk a separate IPA Region (Dec., 5th, 2008). This way the statutory independence was obtained what effected in growing up prestige of the Association in the local community.

The first chairman of the Region was Jarosław Lasecki. He is performing this function up till today.
The Region established close co-operation with various institutions, self-government authorities, business entities. Particular emphasis should be cooperation with local authorities of the city and county, which greatly assist in the implementation of the Płońsk Region tasks. Also appeared some new opportunities for organizational support and sponsorship and, therefore, increased significantly the number and level of events carried out in which members of the Region took part.

They actively participated in municipal events, self-government New Year’s meetings, state celebrations, county fairs, co-organizing them very often. The co-operation resulted in organizing of two excursions to Lviv (Ukraine) in 2009 and 2011. Very successful were family events, outings to theatre, St. Andrew’s Day parties, sightseeing domestic trips to Żelazowa Wola, Nieborów and Arkadia (2009) and abroad to the Czech Republic (Prague – 2010, Teplice – 2011).

The Region participated in organization of The First Cup of the Mazovian Provincial Police Commander Futsal Tournament (Mar., 28th, 2009).

One of the annual activities is hosting in Płońsk foreign policemen delegations during Police Day celebrations (July).

The Region has been taking care about its media image, i.e. through establishing co-operation with editors of local magazines and the Catholic Radio Ciechanów. The Region has its own banner, flag, web site, and informative bulletin.

Taking under consideration the members’ hobbies, in March 2002, a motorcycle section was formed (35 members), and in April 2011 – volleyball section (11 persons) as well. The futsal team IPA BROADWAY PŁOŃSK (20 players) exists since the very beginning of the Region. Taking part in the sports events is a very important element of the Region’s activity.

Today the Region IPA Płońsk numbers 37 members, including 10 pensioners and 27 active police officers. Some of the members do not live within the county territory. There are 15 Polish Section Merit-Members cooperating with the Region, as well as 9 persons being candidates to this title. There is close cooperation with all local uniformed services, National Border Guard HQ, and National Board of the IPA Polish Section.

  • Zebranie_założycielskie_Regionu_w_Płońsku
  • Święto_Policji_w_Płońsku_z_udziałem_Prezydenta_SP_IPA_A._Skrzypczaka_i_Prezydenta_Sekcji_Światowe
  • I_Mazowiecki_Turniej_Halowej_Piłki_Noznej_o_Puchar_Mazowieckiego_Komendanta_Wojewódzkiego_Policji
  • Zabawa_andrzejowa_2010r
  • Wizyta_we_Lwowie__w_lutym_2011r
  • List_gratulacyjny_od_władz_samorządowych_Płońska_2009
  • Wyjazd_rodzinny_do_Czech_Skalne_Miasto_wrzesień_2010r
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