On the initiative of the IPA Region Sochaczew, three organizations working for police environment in Sochaczew: International Police Association, Independent Trade Union of Police Officers and the Association of Police Pensioners organized on 17 July integrative picnic on the occasion of Police Day.

The meeting was held in the town of Kozlow Biskupi at “Barn on the Bzura". It is located in a picturesque area on the river Bzura. The picnic gathered persons associated with the District Police Headquarters in Sochaczew: police officers, civilian employees, police retirees, family members and invited guests. Among the invited guests were: Jolanta Gonta – Sochaczew Starost, Piotr Osiecki - the mayor of the town and Dr. Piotr Szenk - Director of the District Hospital in Sochaczew.

The meeting began with a speech given by Col. Janusz Patury - District Commander of Police, who welcomed all participants. Continuing "the official part" Mr Commander - a member of our organization, handed our colleague Mariusz Jakubczak a badge and certificate of 10-year membership in the Polish Section of the IPA. Integration began. Barbecue dishes, salads and pickles appeared on the tables. Retired police officers were telling their memories of the times of service. Among the festive bustle we could hear laughter and police jokes. Using the music being played by our fellow DJ some of the part of the banqueters started to dance. The event ended in the late evening. Some were miffed that it could not last until dawn.

Organizers summarizing the meeting decided to host the event next year.

Written by: Juliusz Dworakowski

Photos: Mariusz Bajurski, Juliusz Dworakowski

Translated by: Krzysztof Kapturski


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