IPA Region Sochaczew


In 2001, police officers from the District Police Headquarters in Sochaczew, inspired by one of them - Juliusz Dworakowski, formed the initiative group to form a new IPA Region in Sochaczew. Members of the group were: Juliusz Dworakowski, Marek Turowski, Zbigniew Szczepaniak, Mariusz Kruk, Wojciech Eim, and Henryk Sobański. With the support of the Mazovian Provincial Group led by Jolanta Sikora on 20 August 2002 the founding meeting took place. The result of the Region’s Presidium efforts aiming at raising credibility of the Sochaczew organization was a decision of the IPA Polish Section enabling the Region to get a legal personality (28 March 2004). This led to a recording on 19 April 2004 “IPA Region Sochaczew” in the National Court Register.

Members of the Region from the moment of its coming into existence are faithful for motto of the Association "Servo per Amikeco" (Service through Friendship). They established contacts with the IPA Regions from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, United Kingdom, and USA. They resulted in many foreign trips of the IPA members from Sochaczew. One of the trips was to the USA where our members, uniformed, were representing Polish police, met police officers working in Manhattan (New York), cadets of the West Point Military Academy, and Poles living overseas.

Since 2003 the Sochaczew shooting team regularly participates in shooting competitions held in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Colleagues of the Regions in Piestany and Zlin repeatedly visited the hospitable Sochaczew area. During their meetings held in the District Police Headquarters in Sochaczew, the guests and hosts shared their knowledge about the specifics of police services in their countries.
The Region was the organizer of many sporting events and activities for its members, their families and supporters. There were outings to the theatre, sightseeing tours, barbecues.

Every year since the inception of the Region, thanks to the hospitality of our Honorary Members Maryla and Jacek Pliszka, at the hotel "Chopin" in Sochaczew great carnival balls are held.

Since 2005, organized by holding the honorary title of "IPA Polish Section Merit" - Robert Majewski, tours under the name "Almost on Flat" are held, which allow you to admire the beauty of the southern Poland.
Since 2010, Region Sochaczew together with "Well-deserved to IPA" Krzysztof Werłaty organizes "Barbara’s Badminton Tournament". The participants are representations of IPA and befriended institutions. In 2012, Region has teamed up with the local shooting range, "GOAL". First shooting competitions were already held there. It is planned to organize regularly the Mazovian and national competitions in the shooting range.
Association for many years is a co-organizer of the Police Day in Sochaczew.
The activities of the Region are also aimed at building a positive image of the police. An example of this activity is to collect and transfer clothing for disabled young people living in the Special Educational Centre in Zuzela (2012).

Since 2011, with the help of "Merit for IPA" Dominik Szczepanik, the Sochaczew Region runs a website of the Mazovian Provincial Group www.ipa.org.pl. The website contains information of the Provincial Group and affiliated Regions.

Number of members of the Region Sochaczew steadily grows (currently 46 members). The Region is open for co-operation, therefore it works with organizations working in the police environment, including: Independent Self-governing Trade Union of Police Officers and Police Family Association. As an organization integrating police environment is positively perceived by the management of the police.

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