On 6th June members and supporters of our IPA Region met Bzura river in the town of Kozłów Biskupi, near the brick Gothic church, built in the twelfth century. In 1410, as recorded in Jan Dlugosz's chronicles, Kozłów Biskupi was the stopping place of King Wladyslaw Jagiello, who hurried to the fields of Grunwald.

The reason for the meeting was the kayaking, which was organized with the involvement of Przemek Turowski - son of our treasurer Marek Turowski - who runs the mobile kayak rental Sochaczew

Group of our members and their families flowed downstream beating the 10-kilometre stretch towards Sochaczew. Przemek being a WOPR lifeguard (Eng.: Voluntary Water Rescue) also took care of security. Bzura is not technically difficult river and the current state of the water is easy to overcome. The flowing were able to quietly admire how the river changes and how it is picturesque. If the water level permits, maybe we can sail again - this time starting in Sochaczew in the direction of the Vistula river.


Written by: Juliusz Dworakowski

Translated by: Krzysztof Kapturski

Photos: Przemek Turowski & Juliusz Dworakowski


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