The IPA Region Sochaczew 2nd Shooting Tournament - Cup of District Police Commander in Sochaczew, under the auspices of the Mayor of Sochaczew
On 19 September 2014, thanks to the support of the IPAMerit member - colleagueJacekPliszka, the owner of the shooting range"CEL" (Eng.: “TARGET”) inPaprotnia near Sochaczew, the IPARegionSochaczewconductedthe 2nd ShootingTournament. As in the previous year the tournament consisted of just one competition: sportscenter firepistol. The aim ofthe eventwas to improveshooting skillsthroughsportscompetition. The competitionwas attended by24shootersrepresentingIPA Regions from:Sochaczew, Radom, Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Border Guard –Okęcie F. Chopin airport, andthe soldiersofthe ThirdAir Defense Brigade.
The competitorsstruggledin twoevents: a static25-metres shootingandaspectaculardynamic shooting. In the latter competitionthe players had to give five shots from a 10-meters distancewithin given timeand thenrun up, change amagazine and give five more shotfrom behind a pillarat a distanceof 15 meters.
The competition ranIPA Sochaczew members: the 3rdClassSport Shooting Referee - colleagueWojciechEimand aSport ShootingInstructor -colleagueJuliuszDworakowski.
After summarizingthe results thePresident of the Jury - colleagueMarekTurowskiannounced thatindividually the winner was GrzegorzGierafromtheMilitary UnitinBielice, secondplace went toPrzemysławZalewskiofthe Border Guard, and the thirdscorerwasPawełJankowski fromNowyDwórMazowiecki.
The teamcompetition masters were our fellows from theBorder Guard,secondplace went tothe team fromthe NowyDwórMazowiecki, and third placewas taken byrepresentatives ofthe army.Cupsfor the results ofindividual and teamhanded: DistrictCommander ofPolicein Sochaczew - Col. JanuszPatury (a member ofthe IPA), theIPA Merit members -PiotrOsiecki (Sochaczew Lord Mayor), Piotr Szenk, Jacek Apka,DominikSzczepanik,andKrzysztofWerłaty.
All participants of the competition were given commemorativegiftspresented by the Presidentof the Mazovian Provincial IPA Group - colleagueZygmuntKot.
After the officialclosure of the competitionthe participantstasting deliciousdishesprepared by"Chopin" hotelin Sochaczewmade arrangements for the next year’s tournament.
written by: JuliuszDworakowski
translated by: Krzysztof Kapturski
photo: JanWasilewski