For the second time, courtesy of our "Merit for the Polish IPA Section" - colleague Jacek Pliszka, the IPA-members of the Sochaczew Region integrated at the bowling alley, located on the territory of shooting range "CEL" (Eng. “Target”) in Paprotnia. The event was attended by nearly thirty people. Our host, known for his culinary talent, prepared warm appetizers with poultry.

On the table there also appeared hot country sausage and “kaszanka” (Eng. blood sausage). Participants came with their own pickles, salad, pickled cucumbers and cake. The hit of the event was excellent tasting lard, prepared by colleague Marek Poszwa according to his grandmother’s recipe. Some banqueters, trying to knock down the calories consumed, started the bowling game that lasted late into the evening. We already have plans for the next meeting.


written by Juliusz Dworakowski

translated by © Krzysztof Kapturski

photos by Tomasz Wojciechowski


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