IPA Mazovian Provincial Group Board new term


The „Chopin” Hotel in Sochaczew acted as a base of Mazovian Provincial Group Board of International Police Association Meeting and Election, organized February 10th, 2012. The Board election for the next three-year term was attended by 27 delegates from 10 regions of Mazovian IPA - from Radom, Płock, Sochaczew, Wyszków, Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Siedlce, Ostrołęka, The Police Training Centre in Legionowo, and Right Riders Warsaw. The Meeting was also attended by Polish Section IPA President Arkadiusz Skrzypczak and Polish Section IPA Secretary General Agnieszka Hamelusz; the latter also participating in deliberations as a delegate.

The Report on the activities of the Presidium was presented by its President – Zygmunt Kot. Activities of the Presidium were undertaken in accordance with the resolutions taken. Members of the Presidium attended the meetings of the National Board of Polish Section IPA. They also participated in the IPA World Congress, the National Congress, and the extraordinary congresses of the Polish Section. It was during the Polish Section National Congress in Muszyna where our colleague Arkadiusz Skrzypczak from the Police Training Centre in Legionowo IPA Region has again been elected the Polish Section President, and where our colleague Agnieszka Hamelusz – also from P.T.C. Legionowo Region – has been elected Polish Section Secretary General.

Mazovian Provincial Group IPA during the 2009-2011 term was twice awarded by Polish Section IPA as a group that had organized the biggest number of sports&recreation events (in 2009 and 2010). The Group applied for grant awards “Merit for SP IPA” for 26 persons while 32 members received a badge of 10th anniversary IPA membership.

During the term the members of the Board, who also acted as the Regions’ Board Chairpersons, were actively promoting our Association in their areas by organizing cross-regional and international events, meetings with local authorities, trade unions, Association of Police Pensioners (Regions: Płońsk, Radom, P.T.C. Legionowo, and Sochaczew). As the most important events organized during 2009-2011 term we can consider:

2009 – IPA OFF-ROAD 4WD Cars Rally in Okuninka (April); 1st Pedestrian Rally in Świętokrzyskie (Holy Cross) Province /organized by Radom Region/; 1st Mazovian Futsal (Indoor Soccer) Tournament for the cup of Mazovian Voivodeship Police Commander /organized by Płońsk Region/; trip to the rally of Lithuanian Section IPA /organized by Radom Region/; hosting foreign delegations of police officers – IPA members - from 20 different European and Asian countries, who were participating in July celebrations of Police Day /organized by Płońsk and Legionowo Regions/; self-defense courses for women in Płońsk; the Legionowo-Gustrov-Nimes Tripartite Agreement patronage of police schools and evaluation for the years to come /Legionowo Region/;


2010IPA OFF-ROAD 4WD Cars Rally in Rożyńsk Wielki (April), trip to the rally of Lithuanian Section IPA /organized by Radom and Border Guard HQ Regions/; hosting foreign delegations of police officers – IPA members - from 12 European countries, who were participating in July celebrations of Police Day /organized by Płońsk and Legionowo Regions/;


2011IPA OFF-ROAD 4WD Cars Rally in Okuninka (September), 1st co-organized the Katyń Cross Country Run for Płońsk Mayor's Cup /Płońsk Region, Płońsk Town Hall, Border Guard HQ Region) – Warsaw, April; trip to the rally of Lithuanian Section IPA /organized by Radom and Border Guard HQ Regions/; hosting foreign delegations of police officers – IPA members - from 15 European countries, who were participating in July celebrations of Police Day /organized by Płońsk and Legionowo Regions/; foundation of a cup for March Futsal Tournament in Płock; establishment of volleyball team, soccer and motorcycle section in Płońsk IPA Region; cooperation of P.T.C. Legionowo Region with Polish Section IPA Presidium on implementing of Placement and Youth Gathering Programme, promotion campaign to help patients with leukemia.

In the course of three years Mazovian Provincial Group IPA members were going abroad, participating in various competitions, cultural and tourist events. Altogether there were 49 foreign trips (706 participants). There were i.a.: shooting competition held in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, trips to Ukraine, Russia, Germany, Ireland, Tatarstan, Norway, Hungary, England, France, Greece, Cyprus.

Ninety foreign delegations from dozens of countries around the world were hosted according to different events: sports & tourist, competitions, Police Day celebrations, conferences (443 persons in total). There were colleagues from Germany, Russia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, USA, UK, Ireland, Cyprus.

Activity of Mazovian Provincial IPA Group has been presented on two websites: www.ipa.org.pl and www.mazowiecka.policja.gov.pl. Płońsk, P.T.C. Legionowo and Right Riders Regions have their own websites. In addition Płońsk Region also publishes its own quarterly.

Next on the agenda of the Meeting was presentation of the reports of the treasurer and audit committee. The delegates gave the outgoing Presidium vote of approval. Then Mazovian Group President Zygmunt Kot thanked the Presidium members for their three-year work and wished them further successful activity for IPA. He also thanked the chairman of Border Guard HQ Region – colleague Andrzej Kucharski – for active cooperation within Mazovian Group and wished the guards a lot of successes within Metropolitan Group IPA.

After the break the Meeting proceeded with the election of the President, members of the Presidium and audit committee.

There were two candidates for President – Zygmunt Kot and Jarosław Lasecki. A new term president, elected by ballot, was colleague Zygmunt Kot.

Members of the Bureau – also elected by ballot - were:


Secretary - Zbigniew Baran - Radom Region
Deputy Secretary - Jarosław Czwak   - Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki Region
Treasurer - Krzysztof Kapturski   - Radom Region



Members of the Presidium:


Anna Jaworska - Wyszków Region,

Juliusz Dworakowski - Sochaczew Region,

Mariusz Gierula - Płock Region.

Audit committee :

chairman - Maciej Szlacheta - Radom Region,

members :

Marek Sienkiewicz - Siedlce Region,

Marek Sucharski - Sochaczew Region.


The meeting was accompanied by a discussion on current and future business of Mazovian Provincial Group IPA. Colleague Mariusz Gierula informed the audience about the state of preparing the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of IPA in Mazovia. It was set that the official celebration will be held September 15 in Płock. Płock Region IPA would continue the preparations and Mazovian Provincial Group Presidium and delegates from other Regions would cooperate.


At this point the Meeting was completed.



About 8.00 p.m. the participants had the gala dinner. At dinner, the President Zygmunt Kot thanked the owner at "Chopin" Hotel - Mr. Jacek Pliszka - for organizing this meeting inside such enjoyable, pleasant and attractive place. He also thanked him for help in organizing events by Mazovian Provincial Group IPA. He said he hoped that the new Presidium would meet the challenges of the new term and would implement successfully set goals.


„Servo per Amikeco”

Zygmunt Kot

translated by: © Krzysztof Kapturski 

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