Again, at the invitation of IPA Szolnok, the representatives of the IPA Region Radom went to Hungary to participate in the next Goulash Festival.

We left early Thursday morning. After a few hours of driving we arrived in Hungary. In the late afternoon we arrived to where we were greeted by Juliana, Josef, Ferenc, and Bozenka. In the evening we were treated to dinner, during which we were able to taste the dishes of the Hungarian cuisine. The board ran out among other delicious goulash soup and very tasty peppers stuffed with meat.

On Friday, our hosts very pleasantly surprised us. Immediately after breakfast we went to Martfű, where almost the whole day we bathed in warm and hot water of the thermal pools. Great atmosphere of the place, courtesy of Hungarians, blue sky and a relaxing bath with hydromassages allowed quickly forget about the hardships of the journey.

On Saturday, the day has finally come. From early morning, you could feel the thrill of the approaching culinary competition. We packed the necessary equipment and drove to Szolnok. We were very cordially and warmly welcomed by the local Polish community.

So, get to work! Boiling venison, vegetables and spices gave off such aroma that many people could not pass by our cauldron indifferently.

Along with the main competition, which was attended by more than 200 teams, the Polish community competition took place at the same time. In the latter our IPA Region Radom team took the honorable second place. Medal, a diploma and a prize were personally received by the Master of Ceremonies of the Goulash Cooking - colleague Witold Baran.

All good things come to an end. The next day, unfortunately, we had to take the return direction. Too bad! Hungarian hospitality and their friendly attitude towards the Poles meant that one would like to stay with them for a few days.

We were invited to come again next year and we agreed that we could take advantage of this invitation.

Nice to mention that it was not the only meeting this year. We hosted the Hungarians in Poland in July. During the visit, the guests from Hungary for a few days get to know the beauty of our Masuria. Our guests were very satisfied.




Written by: Jarosław Parzuchowski

Translated by: Krzysztof Kapturski

Photos: Kinga Parzuchowska, Witold Baran.

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