Region IPA Radom


The IPA Provincial Group in Radom came into existence – according to the gathered information – in 1996 (chairman Wiesław Ruta, deputy chairman Robert Hodio, secretary Arkadiusz Błędowski, treasurer Józef Chodakowski). Nevertheless the stimulation of its activity starts only in 1998. Then, on 27 November the Provincial Group Board was elected, and a new President became Wiesław Leszczyński (secretary Paweł Płatos, treasurer Jan Lenarczyk). The IPA Polish Section Board approved a new Region by a Resolution dated 19 March 1999. Successive presidents were Jerzy Garbacz, Zygmunt Kot and again Wiesław Leszczyński. The latter performs his function from 2006 up till today. Also, since 2006 the function of a secretary is being performed by Zbigniew Baran (moreover since 2012 also the Provincial Group Board secretary), and the function of a treasurer is being performed by Krzysztof Kapturski (since 2009 also the Provincial Group Board treasurer). The chairmen of the successive audit committees since 1998 were Stanisław Puta, Henryk Mikulski, Jan Lenarczyk, Leszek Śliwka, Jerzy Garbacz. Number of the Region’s members has been increasing systematically. At present there are 96 members. Since 2004 the Region has in Radom its office-room provided by the Provincial Police Headquarters.
The Radom Region is very active in its activities aimed at international cooperation. Since 2004 it holds regular visits to allied Regions in St. Petersburg (Russia), Bork-Selm (Germany), and since 2011 Zillertal (Austria). Policemen from these cities visit Radom, too.

A close co-operation with Ukrainian police officers was established. It resulted in coach and bike tours in Ukraine (Lviv, Crimea-Odessa). In 2003 the Region initiated co-operation with the 13th IPA Region Lower Rhone in France. It is maintained up till today (participation in the European Union Police Friendship Week in 2004 in Arles, futsal tournaments in Marseille, tours). In November 2004 ten persons went to Belgium to participate in a futsal tournament, and after that to the Netherlands to visit the NATO base. In September 2009 a delegation of the Radom Region took part in the International Police March “Friendship without Borders” in Schweich (Germany) by Luxembourg border.

Currently the Region established fruitful cooperation with IPA Szolnok - Hungary.
Very popular were cycling trips to the island of Bornholm (holidays 2005, 2006).
The Region’s members took part in the international conferences of the IPA in Russia (Moscow - 2008, Sakha (Yakutia) Republic -2010), Turkey (2009), and Hungary (2007). In 2011 the Region hosted a delegation of policemen from distant Tatarstan.

The Board Presidium organized or co-organized chess tournaments, shooting competitions, the Pilica River kayaking (2005, 2006). Our members annually take part in domestic futsal tournaments, the International (All Terrain Cars) IPA Off-Road Rally (since 2005), Lithuanian Section friendship weekends (jamborees) – since 2006, and a lot of various events held by other Regions.
Every year the Region’s board arranges domestic sightseeing tours, weekend integration outings (mushrooming. May picnics, spring welcoming).

What deserves special mention is accurate, systematic cooperation with Marcule Forest District, which lends its facilities to the Region for organizing integration events.

Radom also closely works with the Police Trade Union and Police Pensioners Union. Our events are involving not only members of the Region, because we also invite our members’ families and sympathizers of the IPA, who support the activities of the Region (e.g. St. Andrew’s Day parties, Christmas “wafer” meetings, sleigh rides).

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