The Ping-pong tournament in Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki


On May 19th, 2012 r. initiaded by IPA Region Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki chairman Jarosław Czwak, on premises of the primary school No. 5 in Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki, the Team Ping-pong Tournament for the cup of District Police Commander was held.

At 9.30 a.m. the Commander – captain Marek Ujazda welcomed the teams and announced the tournament open. There were five teams representing the IPA Regions from Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki, Plock, Plonsk, Sochaczew, Radom, and one team representing the local Municipal Guard. After a few hours of the all-play-all tournament the IPA Plonsk team turned out to be the winner. The team members were Marcin Mielczarek and Slawomir Pakulski. The second place was for the IPA Radom Region team - Miroslaw Guzinski, Radoslaw Gryz, Grzegorz Pawlik, Jaroslaw Stepien. The third place belonged to the local Municipal Guards - Dariusz Sawicki and Robert Faber. Next were the teams from Nowy Dwor Mazowiecki, Sochaczew and Plock. The best three teams were granted the cups, statuettes, and gifts founded by a sponsor – the holder of the IPA Polish Section merit ID card Janusz Piwowar. Special thanks for Mr. Janusz Rzeszot, a teacher who was very helpful in organizing the tournament and who professionally conducted the entire championships. After sports emotions all competitors and organisers went to the ceremonial dinner at The Donald's restaurant. It was a good occasion for conversation about the next-year's tournament.






Written by: Jarosław Czwak


Translated by: (C) Krzysztof Kapturski


Photo: J. Czwak

  • pim pong NDM 006
  • pim pong NDM 024
  • pim pong NDM 018
  • pim pong NDM 011
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