History of IPA Region Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki


It all began in 2000. Colleague Jaroslaw Czwak read in a newspaper article about the opening of the Police Bureau of IPA in the National Police Headquarters in Warsaw. He began to look for information about the Association, what are its goals and who can belong to it. He established contact with the contemporary president of the Mazovian Provincial Group – Jolanta Sikora – and thanks to her help on 20 December 2000 as a first police officer from the Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki District Police HQ joined the Association. His primary objective was to promote the IPA activities among fellow police officers and attract new members to form a Region. The beginnings were difficult, the cops were not too interested in additional activities, but in the end Czwak managed to create the Region. On 12 December 2002, held a founding meeting of the IPA Region Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, whose first president was elected Jarosław Czwak. New Region was officially approved by the Mazovian Provincial Group Board Presidium on 20 February 2003. Jarosław Czwak is still managing the Region, performing the function of a Chairman the fourth term already. This demonstrates the great trust given to him by other members of the Association.

The Region’s achievements include the opening of the Region’s office on 29 January 2004 in the new building of the District Police Headquarters. The commander – Lt. colonel Władysław Rocki and his deputy major Bogdan Skopczyński were very helpful in achieving the task. One of the most important events was awarding the title of the IPA Polish Section Merit to Mr. Janusz Piwowarski who selflessly supports the Region in realizing various undertakings.
During 10 years of existence of the Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki Region its members organized several major sporting and integration events, which deserve to be remembered. On 14 May 2004 the first integration meeting was held at “Palmer’s” inn in Kazuń. With barbecues and guitar music members discussed plans for the development of the Region. On 15 May 2004 a delegation of 10 members went to Lithuania for a two-day visit at the invitation of local authorities and the police commander from the town of Elektronai. The delegates played a friendship football match, visited Trakai and Vilnius.
On 2 April 2005 the Futsal Tournament was carried out. It was attended by 8 teams (including IPA Regions: Płock, Sochaczew, Legionowo, Warsaw Regional Police HQ No. 5 and naturally Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki). On 17 June 2005 the second integration meeting was held at “Palmer’s” inn, this time for members and their families, with electronic music and guitar amused late into the evening.
In September 2009 fifty persons went to Zakopane (in the Tatra Mountains – translator’s note). Pleasant memories left with highlander music band fun, mountain trips, visiting the Royal Castle in Krakow. In 2009-2012 in the wedding house "Eden" in Suchocin three carnival balls were held for Association members and friends of the police environment.
On 19 May 2012 the District Police Commander Table Tennis Tournament was held. It attracted five teams from the IPA Regions in Płock, Sochaczew, Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki, Płońsk, Radom. The Municipal Police (Municipal Guards) team was present, too.
It should be noted that members of the Region take part in various events and trips organized by other Regions or the Mazovian Provincial Group. There are a lot of different trophies - from shooting and sports competitions - in the Region’s office, among others for winning the first prize in a shooting competition in Piątnica by Łomża (2009).
Chairman Jarosław Czwak actively acts as a member of the Mazovian Provincial Group Board Presidium. In 2008 he was singled out with the Arthur Troop Medal for his work for the Association.

  • Zebranie_założycielskie_regionu_w_2002r
  • Zabawa_noworoczna_w_Suchocinie
  • Drużyna_Regionu_na_Halowym_Turnieju_Piłki_Nożnej_w_2005r._
  • Otwarcie_biura_w_2004r._w_KPP_Nowy_Dwór_Maz
  • J._Czwak_przy_gablocie_z_trofeami_z_zawodów
  • Uczestnicy_Turnieju_Tenisa_Stołowego_w_maju_2012r
  • Z_wizytą_na_Litwie_w_2004r
  • Spotkanie_integracyjne_w_Kazuniu_w_2004r

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