The 3rd carnival ball in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki


Another unforgettable experience for the I.P.A. Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki Region (branch) members and their friends took place on 11th of February 2012. Then, in a friendly wedding house “Eden” at Suchocin the 3rd festive carnival ball took place. Sixty-two persons had fun until dawn.

We joint our dance skills with another “uniform-service” - the soldiers from a Military Unit in Dęblin, who came together with their partners. The common dances and revelry on a dance floor were accompanied by “Constans” band along with the charismatic singer, who did not give anyone breathe some air for a single moment, leading perfectly the fun. It was a short night. At 5.00 a.m. everyone was going out in high spirits declaring his or hers obligatory participation at the next ball. The idea of joining together police officers and soldiers at a dancing party was a real hit. We can say that the uniform-services are one, and that they can have a really good time together.

Written by Jarosław Czwak, Translation: ©Krzysztof Kapturski

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