IPA Region Wyszków


The first police officers from Wyszków joined the IPA in 2002. At first they operated in IPA Region Płock, and in the moment of collecting the sufficient number of members IPA Region Wyszków was established.

The first founding meeting took place in Wyszków on 25 April 2003. It was initiated by first members: Krzysztof Soliwoda, Anna Jaworska, and Dariusz Siulkowski. The Region numbered 20 persons then with Anna Jaworska as its Chair Lady. She had been performing the function for three terms, till 13 January 2012. From this date Krzysztof Soliwoda is a new Chairman.

One should underline that Mirosław Wysocki for 9 years was a secretary of the Region, and Dariusz Siulkowski its treasurer.

Establishment of the Wyszków Region was approved by Resolution No. 1/2003 of the Executive Committee of the IPA Mazovian Provincial Group, dated 13 June 2003.
The composition of the Region changed only marginally, but its number has always oscillated between 20 and 25. The activities have focused primarily on the organization of team building, participation in international and national events, organizing sports events, tours, promoting the Association in the pages of the local weeklies.

Among the most interesting activities organized in the Region should be noted:
International Swimming Competition in Wyszków “Wyszków without borders” – 30 May 2003, sightseeing trip to Lithuania – 25-27 June 2009, annual participation in organizing the Police Day for police officers and pensioners from the District Police HQ, as well as organizing integration meetings like “Greeting the Spring” and “Summer farewell” (barbecue, roasting potatoes), participation in a literary contest in Wyszków (award in 2007), participation in arranging in Wyszków the football tournament: the police team vs. other occupational group teams (May of 2005 – 2008), co-organizing the shooting contest in Warsaw (2003 and 2004), organizing the reporting-election meeting of the Mazovian Provincial Group in February 2009. Since 2008 the Region five times organized the meetings of the Group Board. We also participated in municipal events on Children’s Day (cycling competition, art competitions – 2003-2009), and – at least once a year since 2008 - collected toys, books and other things for children from kindergartens, orphanages, and for the “blue room” (a special room in police station prepared for interrogation of children – translator’s note). The Region provides a systematic co-operation with local authorities of the city and county, receives support in organizing events and meetings of the Region and the Provincial Group.

Since 2005 the only person singled out on the initiative of the Region with the title "IPA Polish Section Merit" is a retired since 2012 chief of the Wyszków Forest District Waldemar Żmijewski, who from the beginning of the Region existence have helped in the implementation of various activities, partly by sponsoring their conduct (meetings, competitions, meetings of the Board of the Region and of the Provincial Group).
In 2003-2012 the Region Chair Lady Anna Jaworska was a secretary of the Mazovian Provincial Group, moreover since 2007 she has been a delegate of the Mazovian Group for congresses (Bochnia 2007, Muszyna 2010). For her activities in the Association she was awarded with the Silver Cross of Merit (2008).

  • Święto_Pieczonego_Ziemniaka_w_Regionie_
  • Wyszków_bez_granic_-_zdjęcie_uczestników_imprezy_maj_2003
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  • Zebranie_założycielskie_Regionu_IPA_Wyszków_kwiecień_2003r
  • Wycieczka_członków_regionu_w_Wyszkowie_na_Litwę_w_czerwcu_2009r
  • Spotkanie_Burmistrza_Wyszkowa_z_polskimi_i_slowackimi_policjantami_2003
  • Pierwsi_członkowie_IPA_w_Wyszkowie
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