IPA Region Płock


On 4 December 1992 twenty police officers from the Provincial (Voivodeship) Police HQ in Płock created the Provincial Group. As one from first in Poland in 1991 they established contacts with policemen from Germany, visited friends from Darmstadt on the principle of the personal exchange between partner cities – Płock and Darmstadt. It was a convenient surface to a more distant co-operation within the framework of IPA. The acquired knowledge about IPA was then propagated amongst their colleagues. Official trips to France and Denmark resulted in establishing private contacts with police officers being the IPA members.
In subsequent years, richer with knowledge and experience, the Region’s members focused on widening their number, and developed diverse forms of activity. Sometimes it was not easy to organize something, particularly when it required expenses.

Thanks to support of the commanders of both the provincial and district police HQ in Płock, as well as the city self-government authorities and other police officers – it was possible to organize in Płock first visits of fellow colleagues from Germany and Lithuania. Then more and more contacts with police officers from other friendly to Płock cities, i.e. Forli (Italy), Auxerre (France), Mażaikiai (Lithuania), Fort Wayne (USA), Bielce (Moldova), Huai’an (China), Loznica (Serbia), Mytiszczi (Russia), Nowopołock (Bielarus), Thurrock (England) were established. They are still active.

The first chairman of the Provincial Group in Płock was Zdzisław Szczepaniak, then the function was entrusted to Waldemar Mysiak, and then to Jarosław Brach. Since 1998 till 2000 the Chair Lady was Jolanta Sikora, who after transformation of the Group into a Region became its Chair Lady, too. She acted as the chairperson till 2007. Jolanta Sikora was also the Mazovian Provincial Group President (2000-2006).
The chairmen in 2007-2012 were: Stefan Śliwiński, Wojciech Marciszewski, Marcin Zmudczyński, Cezary Skierski, Mariusz Gierula. At present the chairman is Stefan Śliwiński again.
The Region’s members in 1993-1999 frequently accepted the invitations from their colleagues from the partner cities. They could learn about police work in other countries. Noteworthy is long, very close co-operation with the Regions in Czech Republic – Hranice and Prerov. Members organize meetings in Płock and in the Czech Republic every year. The Region also established contacts with policemen from Piestany, Żilin, and Poprad in Slovakia. Sightseeing excursions and shooting contests were organized there (2003, 2004).

Unforgettable impressions left in the memory of participants their trip to the USA (March/April 2003), at the invitation of Julian Dwornik – police officer of Polish descent. They admired the beauty of Niagara Falls, and could see (not available for viewing for everyone) sites of the terrorist attack in New York (WTC “Ground Zero”).

The Region continues to cooperate with the Region IPA Kaunas, Lithuania.
In October 2005 the Region co-organized the International Conference on Safety and Co-operation of Protection Services, the Police and Municipal Police (Municipal Guards) in Płock. Members of the Region several times participated in trainings and seminars organized by the municipal self-government authorities for the NGOs (2003, 2008).

In 1994 and 1999 our members participated in seminars organized in Gimborn Castle Information & Formation Centre (Germany).

In 2002 the Płock Region together with the Mazovian Provincial Group celebrated the 10th anniversary of IPA in Mazovia. The oldest in membership were given first in Poland 10th anniversary badges. One of them was Wojciech Marciszewski – a hobbyist, postage stamps collector, and also an author/designer of postcards and commemorative postage ink stamps of police and of IPA.
The Płock Region organized a lot of sports tournaments, e.g. in 2000-2011 six editions of the Uniformed Services Futsal Tournament in Płock. Our futsal team participated in 2006 and 2007 in the Futsal Tournament in Eibergen in the Netherlands; in 2006 and 2008 in Football Tournament “Wisełka” in Łąck (Poland), and in 1999 in Football Tournament in Wieliczka (Poland). A lot of impressions left in Płock Region’s team members minds the Football Tournament which was held in 11-17 June 2001 in Barcelona, Spain.

During a lot of trips abroad the Region members took part in shooting competitions and bowling tournaments. We also had our team in badminton tournament in Sochaczew (2010). The players came back with trophies and souvenirs which can be now admired in the Płock Region office-room.
Since 2005 the Region systematically organized the St. Nicholas events for children from the Płock Emergency Shelter, picking up for them various gifts.

We also organized financial and material aid for policemen in need – victims of flood.
In 2005 the Region organized a traffic safety contest for primary school children.
Doing all of this we did not forget about our Region’s members and their relatives. We had integrative bonfire meetings (forester Brwilno), annual Xmas meetings, excursions to Lithuania, Slovakia, Czech Republic or to a village museum in Sierpc (Poland).

Płock was the organizer of the Mazovian Provincial Group Board meetings, as well as the Polish Section Congress in Soczewka by Płock (1998). Colleagues Piotr Kłosowski, Wojciech Marciszewski and Jolanta Sikora were honoured by Polish Section with the Arthur Troop Medals. For her engagement for the IPA Jolanta Sikora was also decorated with the Merit Cross in 2012.

  • Protokól_założycielski_Grupy_Wojewódzkiej_w_Płocku_w_1992r
  • Wycieczka_do_Hranic_Czechy_X.2000
  • Wreczenie_odznak_X-lecia_w_IPA_w_Płocku_4.10.2002r
  • Delegacja_IPA_Płock_w_Nowym_Jorku_2003r
  • Drużyna_piłkarska_Regionu_Płock_w_Ośrodku_Sportowym_w_Barcelonie_2001r
  • Delegacje_Włoch_Litwy_i_Niemiec_w_KWP_w_Płocku_IX._1998r
  • Delegacja_z_Mażeikiai_z_Litwy_w__Plocku_X.1994r
  • Wizyta_policjantów_z_Darmstadt_w_Plocku_24-26.09.1993r
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